Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi

Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi

Clinic Cleveland Déanann Abu Dhabi speisialtóireacht i gcúram fiaclóireachta agus i máinliacht cosmaideacha. Bunaithe i 2015, tá an clinic Creidiúnaithe JCI seo lonnaithe in Abu Dhabi, Aontas na nÉimíríochtaí Arabacha. Féach léirmheasanna custaiméirí, roimh/tar éis grianghraif agus fiafraigh faoi phraghas na máinliachta thar lear. Íoslódáil an fhoirm le haghaidh diagnóisic saor in aisce. Freagra tapa.

Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi , Abu Dhabi , Aontas na nÉimíríochtaí Arabacha

Is síneadh uathúil gan sárú é Clinic Cleveland ar mhúnla cúraim Cleveland Clinic atá bunaithe sna SA, atá deartha go sonrach chun aghaidh a thabhairt ar raon riachtanas casta agus criticiúil cúraim atá uathúil do dhaonra Abu Dhabi. Tá cúig ionad barr feabhais ag Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi sna hinstitiúidí seo a leanas: Croí agus Soithíoch, Néareolaíoch, Galair Díleácha, Súile agus Riospráide agus Cúram Criticiúil.

I measc na n-institiúidí eile tá Fospeisialtais Máinliachta, Fospeisialtais Leighis, Leigheas Éigeandála, Ainéistéiseolaíocht, Paiteolaíocht agus Leigheas Saotharlainne, Íomháú, agus Cáilíocht agus Sábháilteacht Othar. Tá 55 speisialtóir leighis agus máinliachta ag an gclinic agus tá trealamh den scoth agus caighdeáin seirbhíse den scoth ann. Tá 364 leaba san ospidéal, scaipthe thar chúig urlár chliniciúil, trí leibhéal diagnóiseacha agus cóireála agus 13 urlár d’aonaid dianchúraim agus géarchúraim d’othair chónaitheacha.

Speisialtacht chlinic:

Cúram fiaclóireachta
Greamadh cnámh
Droichead fiacla
Seiceáil fiacla
Choróin fiacail
Ionchlannán fiaclóireachta
Comhairliúchán fiaclóireachta
Inlays Próistéise / Onlays
Cóireáil canála fréimhe
Plánáil fréamhacha
Trasphlandú sinus
Glanadh fiacla
Fiacla whitening
Eastóscadh fiaclóireachta
líonadh fiacla
Veinírí fiaclóireachta
Eastóscadh fiacla eagna

Máinliacht plaisteach
Ardaitheoir coirp
Athrú aghaidh na Brasaíle
Ionchlannáin chíche
Ardaitheoir cíche
Atógáil cíche
Laghdú cíche
Ardaitheoir eyebrow
Ionchlannáin buttock
Líonadh deirmeach
Ardaitheoir cervico-aghaidh
Ardaitheoir muineál
Comhairliúchán máinliacht plaisteach
Cóireáil scar
Ardaitheoir thigh
Cóireáil veins varicose
Cóireáil wrinkle

Seirbhísí +

Aistriú aerfoirt
Cóiríocht teaghlaigh
Wifi saor in aisce,
Seirbhísí Ateangaireachta
Taifid leighis a aistriú
seomraí inrochtana PMR
Teileafón sa seomra
Seomraí príobháideacha
Áiseanna creidimh
Seirbhísí aistriúcháin
Teilifís sa seomra

Cathair : Abu Dhabi – Tír: Aontas na nÉimíríochtaí Arabacha – Bunaithe i 2015
Creidiúnú: JCI Creidiúnaithe – Teanga(cha) labhartha: Araibis, Béarla

Clinic Cleveland Léirmheasanna Abu Dhabi

Awni H
Awni H
03:47 29 Feb 24
I have performed a surgery in this magnificent place and where to start !! I would like to thank the nurse who prepared me for the procedure, she was super nice and maintained my moral up, professional and kind, secondly, the people in the surgery room were super friendly and nice, kept me calm and comfortable, after that the nurses in the recovery i am sad I didn’t i have their names truly they were angles and supported me, last but not least to the master and great doctor Ahmed Matalqah, what a human and a person , i was so lucky to be treated by him . And to all the nurses big thank you.. top notch hospital!!
Furious Zaniest
Furious Zaniest
22:59 04 Feb 24
I personally feel this hospital was much needed in the heart of Abu Dhabi.All experienced doctors in every field. You name the disease they have specialist in every field.Service is beyond appreciation.Security is top notch. Even if the patient family comes to see the patient during visiting hours. They still need Emirates I'd of the person who is going to visit the patient. You need to show your relationship as well. After all the confirmation they print the ticket and give it to you. And that's not enough you have to show that ticket to the next security before you enter the visiting area.The waiting hall is also spacious. Hygiene at best. Definitely recommend to others.
D. T.
D. T.
09:22 18 Dec 23
I’m very satisfied with Cleveland Clinic. Amazing staff, very kind and helpful. Stunning environment that makes the patient feel comfortable like home. The doctors I have visited so far are very supportive and are extremely helpful explaining on details about each case. Congratulations to all of you and keep it up!!! Thank you for your support!!!
15:59 17 Jun 23
I came to visit my aunt she had an operation the rooms were niceThe process for visitors took a bit some time waiting in the line wish if there was more faster way or an easier way to accessParking were available there was no issue in finding a parking even though we went on a weekend overall the clinic was clean and nice and gives u the vibes of a shopping mall which is nice
Abhishek Singh
Abhishek Singh
02:38 22 Aug 23
Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi is a world-class hospital that offers a wide range of medical services. It is a joint venture between Cleveland Clinic, one of the leading hospitals in the United States, and Mubadala Development Company, a government-owned investment company in Abu Dhabi. The hospital opened in 2015 and has since become one of the most prestigious medical centers in the UAE.The hospital has a team of highly skilled and experienced doctors and nurses who are dedicated to providing the best possible care to their patients. They offer a wide range of services, including:Heart and vascular careCancer careNeurosciencesOrthopedicsDigestive healthEye careRespiratory careWomen's healthChildren's healthTransplantationThe hospital is also equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including:A 364-bed inpatient hospitalA 12-bed intensive care unitA 10-bed cardiac care unitA 6-bed neonatal intensive care unitA 24-hour emergency departmentA diagnostic imaging centerA surgical centerThe hospital has been praised for its high quality of care, its commitment to patient safety, and its use of innovative technologies. It has been ranked as one of the best hospitals in the world by several independent organizations.Overall, I would highly recommend Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi to anyone looking for high-quality medical care. It is a world-class hospital with a team of dedicated professionals who are committed to providing the best possible care to their patients.Here are some of the pros and cons of Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi:Pros:High quality of careExperienced and dedicated staffState-of-the-art facilitiesCommitment to patient safetyUse of innovative technologiesCons:Can be expensiveLong wait times for appointmentsSome procedures may not be covered by insuranceOverall, If you are looking for high-quality medical care in Abu Dhabi, I would highly recommend this hospital.
Tragic Character
Tragic Character
04:53 02 Jan 24
I am biased bc CCAD is why I live in Abu Dhabi but honestly this is the best healthcare our family has ever received (and we lived near and used BIG and famous hospital systems before). So I will leave you with that and the caution that healthcare is complex and everyone must advocate for themselves - medicine is much more an art than people realize. No 2 bodies are the same and there is no such thing as normal so be complete and prepared when you talk to any healthcare provider and recognize that every experience with every patient is novel to them too . Notes about CCAD…. They do not do much OB/GYN and do NO pediatrics (only kids over 15 for all but certain specialties). The lab and pharmacy are easiest in the morning to negotiate. They have plenty of food options for visitors that are good (Market Cafe’s salads and Cafe Nero are highlights). The Cancer Center is a beautiful calm space with incredibly lovely staff (looking at you Second Floor Nurses and Melissa!). Infusion rooms (for more than just chemo) are private with 1 or 2 chairs for support givers; shared bathrooms mostly. The Cancer Center also has its own pharmacy and lab and radiology dept.
Manigandan Sekar
Manigandan Sekar
06:41 15 Dec 23
Hospital infrastructure is good still it is very hard to navigate to the respective departments and the wait time is high although we book appointments, but it is understandable. Primary section organization can be improved, so much space left and limited seating for patients
Dalal Yassin
Dalal Yassin
09:35 05 Mar 24
Waited over an hour and 15 minutes for the doctor to appear - apparently he was en route to the hospital so not sure why they booked me at that time. He then showed up and gave me 2 minutes of his time - didn’t give me a chance to elaborate on my health concerns or issues. Apparently he is supposed to be the best thoracic surgeon but I was simply unimpressed by the lack of care to hearing about my issues and disregard for my time.
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