Clinique Pasteur

Clinique Pasteur Tunis

Déanann Clinique Pasteur speisialtóireacht i gcúram fiaclóireachta, máinliacht chosmaideach, PMA/IVF agus ionchlannáin gruaige. Bunaithe i 1973, tá an clinic deimhnithe seo lonnaithe i Túinis, an Túinéis. Féach léirmheasanna custaiméirí, roimh/tar éis grianghraif agus fiafraigh faoi phraghas na máinliachta thar lear. Íoslódáil an fhoirm le haghaidh diagnóisic saor in aisce. Freagra tapa.

Clinique Pasteur , an Túinéis , an Túinéis 🥉

Le níos mó ná 200 leaba scaipthe thar 7 n-urlár, tá cáil ar Chlinic Pasteur as an aonad cairdeolaíochta agus diagnóiseach is mó sa Túinéis. Ina theannta sin, tá go leor ionad speisialaithe eile ar fáil, lena n-áirítear ENT, gínéiceolaíocht, úireolaíocht, péidiatraiceach agus máinliacht plaisteach.

Faigheann an clinic na mílte turasóirí leighis gach bliain agus cuireann sé seirbhísí aistriúcháin agus piocadh aerfoirt ar fáil.

Speisialtacht chlinic:

Cúram fiaclóireachta
Greamadh cnámh
Garda béal pearsanta
Nascáil fiaclóireachta
Droichead fiacla
Seiceáil fiacla
Choróin fiacail
Scanóir fiaclóireachta
Ionchlannán fiaclóireachta
Atógáil fréimhe corónach
Comhairliúchán fiaclóireachta
Eastóscadh fiaclóireachta
Droichead fiaclóireachta ar ionchlannáin
Próistéis hibrideach ar ionchlannáin
Inlays Próistéise / Onlays
Ortadóntaic theangacha
Mini implant fiaclóireachta
Dírialú Créachta
Cóireáil cyst fiaclóireachta
Fiaclóir péidiatraiceach
Cóireáil canála fréimhe
resection apical
Plánáil fréamhacha
Trasphlandú sinus
Glanadh fiacla
Fiacla whitening
Próistéis fiaclóireachta sealadach
Cóireáil abscess fiaclóireachta
Eastóscadh fiaclóireachta
líonadh fiacla
Séalaithe fiaclóireachta
Veinírí fiaclóireachta
Eastóscadh fiacla eagna
Ionchlannán zygomatic

Máinliacht plaisteach
Athrú aghaidh na Brasaíle
Ardaitheoir Butt
Ardaitheoir cíche
Ionchlannáin buttock
Ardaitheoir cervico-aghaidh
Ardaitheoir eyebrow
Liposuction léasair
rhinoplasty tánaisteach
Lipofilling aghaidhe
Ardaitheoir muineál
Banna Gastric
Botox gastric
Ardaitheoir coirp
Ionchlannáin chíche
Atógáil cíche
Laghdú cíche
Ardaitheoir eyebrow
eastóscadh buccal saille
Ionchlannáin laonna
Líonadh deirmeach
Máinliacht dimple
Aistriú saille
Méadú liopaí
Ardaitheoir muineál
Cóireáil scar
Athshannadh gnéis (Baineann go Fireann)
Athshannadh gnéis (Fireann go Mná)
Ardaitheoir thigh
Cóireáil veins varicose
Cóireáil wrinkle

Inseamhnú saorga
PMA goir cuidithe
Aistriú suth
Reo uibheacha
Reo suth
Aistriú suth
Measúnú torthúlachta
Ultrafhuaim follicular
Tástáil hormónach
IVF – Toirchiú In Vitro
IMSI – Instealladh Sperm Intracytoplasmic
Comhairliúchán IVF
MACS – Roghnú cealla imdhíonachta-mhaighnéadacha
PGD – diagnóis Preimplantation
Comhairliúchán ar leigheas atáirgthe
Reo sperm

Ionchlannú Gruaige
Trasphlandú mala
trasphlandú gruaige FUE
Trasphlandú Gruaige Óir FUE
Trasphlandú gruaige FUT
Trasphlandú Gruaige BHT
Trasphlandú Gruaige DHI

Seirbhísí +

Aistriú aerfoirt
Cóiríocht teaghlaigh
Wifi saor in aisce,
Árachas Sláinte
Seirbhísí Ateangaireachta
Treoir turasóireachta
Taifid leighis a aistriú
Árachas Taistil Leighis
Comhairliúchán idirlín
Teileafón sa seomra
Seomraí príobháideacha
Áiseanna creidimh
Sábháilte sa seomra
Réamhchúraimí aiste bia
Seirbhísí aistriúcháin
Teilifís sa seomra

Cathair : Túinis – Tír: An Túinéis – Bunaithe i 1973
Creidiúnú: Nach bhfuil sonraithe – Teanga(cha) labhartha: Araibis, Béarla, Fraincis

Léirmheasanna ar Clinique Pasteur

Hali M.
Hali M.
17:41 11 Oct 20
My 5 stars do not go to Clinique Pasteur but to the employees working there. Today I had my second MRI at Clinique Pasteur and the radiology department is really the only thing that I could recommend to you all. I would genuinely like to thank Achraf and Mohammed for their extreme patience, kindness, and utmost professionalism. My first MRI was on my head and I have absolutely HORRIBLE veins. When I say HORRIBLE, it takes nurses usually half an hour to maybe an hour to find my veins but Mohammed was able to find them quickly and it did not hurt nor did he dig through to get the needle into the vein. Today was the same, I got an MRI on my pelvis and while I was laying down he found the vein and put the needle in. Achraf was extremely patient and kind throughout the whole process. He made sure I was comfortable and despite the lack of equipment (the headphones did not work) he kept a smile on his face and was extremely professional. He injected the contrast and I did not feel a thing. He also let my mother stay nearby and when everything was finished they assured us that we would get the results tomorrow and greeted us with smiles on their faces wishing a speedy recovery to me.If I'm going to recommend anything out of this clinic, it is their radiology department. Sundays are not busy, you'll go in quickly and they will make sure you're comfortable at all times. Again, radiology department is all I recommend out of this clinic and trust me we've tried other things here and the radiology department is the only thing I recommend. Make sure you guys get these 2 professionals during your test, you won't regret it!
Monica Kountz
Monica Kountz
12:56 04 Nov 22
Listen..... like too many hospitals and facilities the nurses and staff don't receive the RECOGNITION they deserve. I am here to tell you, here.....most of the nurses are EXCEPTIONAL the staff that brings your food (wonderful) Housekeeping (kind and wonderful). People forget once you are out of surgery or need aide of any kind it is the staff,Nurses,Orderly etccc.... that help you and comfort you..they are the reason I can write this review. Thank you..really thank you.
Kelly Thompson
Kelly Thompson
20:24 21 Feb 19
I am 44 years old, I paid to have a tubal ligation reversal in Tunisia back in September 2018. It took a while to save the money and due to my age it was something that had to be done pretty quickly. So after having all my tests done in the UK to make sure my partner and I could still conceive we used a company medigo as a go between for this hospital. We flew to Tunisia on the Friday I was booked into the hospital for the Monday. I had my procedure done Tuesday morning I was in surgery for 2. 5 hours. While I was in recovery the surgeon told my partner that it went well was successful and my tubes were open and we could try for a child after my 2nd cycle. So we tried and month after month nothing just kept getting extremely heavy periods & clotting. So after 4 months I asked my doctors if they would do a test to check as I had this horrible gut feeling they were not rixed. I went for a hsg and just like I thought my fallopian tubes we're still completely blocked. I was devastated. Not only had I spent time money travelling there and disappointment every month to actually have it confirmed that they either did not do the surgery and just opened me up or they made it worse or bodged it up. That's it for me now there is no way I will ever have a child me and my partner so desperately wanted they have took it away from us. So my advice would be stay clear of cheap surgery and especially this hospital as finding a solicitor who can represent you will be difficult because of jurisdiction. I am not giving up I am seeking legal representation even if it means I have to pay for it myself they will not get away with what they have done to us. It's caused my partner and I extrem stress, and upset.
Aysha tanour
Aysha tanour
17:41 25 Aug 17
Not recommended for the following reasons. Despite the skills of the medical staff, nurses are completely careless about their patients, they treat you like S**T . You are just a piece of cake for this clinic and you have to struggle for your life. The other darkest side is that they will never disclose surgery-related complications and that's what led one of my relatives to develop a post-surgery infection that cost him his life at a young age.The bottom line is that it's a total rip off. They only want your MONEY!!!
Kyle Perez
Kyle Perez
12:47 22 May 19
I am unsure of the care these people provide, but over the phone I asked, in French, do you speak English? Two times in a row without hesitation, they hung up on me. Not even an attempt to communicate with me. I need surgery but just from the few seconds I have on the phone with these people, I would not trust them with a scalpel anywhere near me.If you speak the language maybe you will have a different experience.
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