Ospidéal & Ionad Leighis na hIordáine

Jordan Hospital & Medical Center Amman

Déanann Ospidéal & Ionad Leighis na hIordáine speisialtóireacht i gcúram fiaclóireachta, máinliacht chosmaideach agus EALAÍN/IVF. Bunaithe i 1996, tá an clinic creidiúnaithe JCI seo lonnaithe in Amman, an Iordáin. Féach léirmheasanna custaiméirí, roimh/tar éis grianghraif agus fiafraigh faoi phraghas na máinliachta thar lear. Íoslódáil an fhoirm le haghaidh diagnóisic saor in aisce. Freagra tapa.

Ospidéal & Ionad Leighis na hIordáine , Amman , an Iordáin

Is ionad leighis nua-aimseartha cuimsitheach 300 leaba é Ospidéal & Ionad Leighis Jordan, a osclaíodh i 1996, a thairgeann seirbhísí leighis den scoth i ngach réimse den leigheas. Soláthraíonn sé sainaonaid theiripeacha do leigheas éigeandála, íomháú idirghabhálach agus raideolaíocht, leigheas núicléach, scagdhealú duánach, liotróipéar, fisiteiripe, ionscópacht gastraistéigeach agus riospráide, catheterization cairdiach agus dianchúram othar.

Cuireann siad clinicí ar fáil freisin a dhíríonn ar dhiaibéiteas agus inchríneolaíocht, oistéapóróis, toirchiú in vitro (IVF), galair fireanna agus murtall. Is iad na nósanna imeachta is coitianta a dhéantar san ospidéal ná scagdhealú, ionscópacht agus catheterization cairdiach.

Tá Ospidéal na hIordáine bródúil go háirithe as a chláir trasphlandúcháin, lena n-áirítear ae, duáin, coirne agus smior. Tá a árasáin féin ag an ospidéal, atá ar fáil do thurasóirí áitiúla agus leighis.

Tar éis dó creidiúnú JCI a bhaint amach, cloíonn an t-ospidéal leis na caighdeáin is airde cáilíochta agus cúraim. Sin é an fáth go bhfuil an-tóir air i measc othair áitiúla agus turasóirí leighis.

Speisialtacht chlinic:

Cúram fiaclóireachta
Greamadh cnámh
Droichead fiacla
Choróin fiacail
Ionchlannán fiaclóireachta
Comhairliúchán fiaclóireachta

Máinliacht plaisteach
Atógáil cíche
Laghdú cíche

Inseamhnú saorga
Measúnú torthúlachta
Tástáil hormónach
IVF – Toirchiú In Vitro
Comhairliúchán IVF

Seirbhísí +

Wifi saor in aisce,
Árachas Sláinte
Seomraí príobháideacha
Réamhchúraimí aiste bia
Seirbhísí aistriúcháin
Teilifís sa seomra

Cathair : Amman – Tír: Jordan – Bunaithe i 1996
Creidiúnú: JCI Creidiúnaithe – Teanga(cha) labhartha: Araibis, Béarla

Léirmheasanna Ospidéal Jordan

Zain Lahham
Zain Lahham
06:27 05 Nov 23
All employees in all departments are so cooperative, kind, and respectful, and systemizing between all departments is amazing.. but the rooms need some simple renews.. thanks a lot😉
Jetty Guliani
Jetty Guliani
03:22 14 Dec 23
I have been around the world and this has been the best hospital I have ever experienced anywhere. The staff were very concerned and helpful. The price was very fair. I'm from the U.S. and after my experience here, I will never go to another American hospital. Jordan hospital is about fixing your medical problem, American hospitals only try to capitalise from you. I have been in Jordan for about 5 months now and the people are absolutely amazing and friendly with the greatest customer service I've seen on this side of the world.
Muna Jarrar
Muna Jarrar
16:36 14 Jan 24
The nursing staff is unfriendly, very uncooperative, very unprofessional, you ask them for help but they respond after 2 hours, and they rely on you a lot (as the patient's companion). No one wants to be a patient in a hospital, sick and in pain, but having to deal with unfriendly and unprofessional health care providers makes things 100 times worse.
Ahmad Alshafie
Ahmad Alshafie
08:41 30 Jul 23
Dr. Tareq Bisheh did the ultrasound for my mother in the radiology department , he is a professional and dedicated radiologist.Unfortunately, the nurses in the radiology department are unprofessional. One of them asked a saudi lady about the last time she went to the bathroom in front of everyone in the waiting area. Which is unacceptable and unprofessional at all.Other nurses where taking and laughing or the are using there phones while the waiting room and the corridor is full with waiting patients.
saifaldeen alrhahleh
saifaldeen alrhahleh
13:01 24 Dec 23
This hospital is the worest among all hospitals in Amman, its service was very disappointing. Staff, nurses, ER doctors were disorganized, aggressive, communication was poor, and the overall atmosphere was unwelcoming. Waiting times were excessively long around (2-3) hours, and it felt like patient care was not a priority. Overall, a frustrating experience.NOT RECOMMENDED AT ALL!!
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